Answer the call of

It’s the sound of an ancient way of life.

It’s the voice of Mother Nature.

It’s the distant rumble of a volcano.

It’s the sound of wind rushing through your hair.

It’s the call of the sea.

It’s the laughter that fills the air.

The best places, they talk with you – not to you.

They say life is either a great adventure or nothing.

To that, we say –

Answer the call of Vanuatu.

What it means to answer the call of Vanuatu…

  • all
  • nature
  • wellness
  • adventure
  • cruising & sailing
  • romance
  • family
  • food & drink
  • culture

Top 5 beaches in Vanuatu

The tropical paradise of Vanuatu is brimming with pristine beaches, clear blue water and…read more

Vanuatu made

The tropical paradise of Vanuatu is brimming with pristine beaches, clear blue water and…

Jaw dropping wedding spots

The tropical paradise of Vanuatu is brimming with pristin…read more

Most instagramable locations

The tropical paradise of Vanuatu is brimming with pristin…read more

5 reasons to make Vanuatu your next holiday

The tropical paradise of Vanuatu is brimming with pristin…read more

Everything you need to know About Staying in Local Bungalows

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@VanuatuIslands #VanuatuMoments

Explore our Islands

Efate & Port Vila

The capital, Port Vila, located 10 minutes from one of Vanuatu’s two international airports, is set around a magnificent natural harbour offering stunning views of Iririki and Ifira islands, and a look out all the way to Malapoa Point.

Explore our Islands

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